
Winchester is respected for producing reliable, good looking, top performing shotguns. Not surprising, considering they have had more than 100 years of practice in shotgun production.

ItemItem #:Price
Pre-owned Winchester 101 Diamond Trap O/U 32" CT2, Adjustable Butt101-5501011100.00
Pre-owned Winchester 101 Diamond Trap S/B 34" CT4101-5509141795.00
Pre-owned Winchester 101 Diamond Trap Unsingle 34" CT1, Counter Coil101-4788861100.00
Pre-owned Winchester 94 Wrangler .32 Win, Box94-50925791500.00
Pre-owned Winchester 9422 Boy Scouts of America 75th Anniv, 20.5", Box, UnfiredWIN-40502400.00
Pre-owned Winchester M12 Black Diamond 30" Full, Milled VR 2-pinM12-4765482500.00
Pre-owned Winchester M21 16 ga. 26" SK1/SK2, English Stock, Original Finish21-114209500.00